About Louverture Cleary School

Imagine living in a place where...

  • A year's tuition for just one child, in public or private secondary school costs 25-40 percent of the average person's annual salary

  • Fewer than 5 percent of children graduate from high school

  • Only 35 percent of college graduates stay in the country

At Louverture Cleary School...

  • Students receive a Haitian Ministry of Education-accredited education, tuition-free

  • 100 percent of graduates pass the Baccalaureate, Haiti's national exam

  • 90 percent of graduates are historically employed or enrolled in university in Haiti

90 percent of Louverture Cleary graduates are employed or enrolled in university in Haiti.

Historically, 90 percent of Louverture Cleary graduates are employed or enrolled in university in Haiti.

Louverture Cleary School at a Glance

Smiling girl student sitting in front of wall with words in Haitian Kreyol

Se gratis nou resevwa, se gratis tou pou nou bay. What we receive for free, we must give for free.
—Matthew 10:8

  • Population: 360

  • Female: 51 percent  Male: 49 percent

  • Alumni population: Over 800

  • Over 75 percent of graduates have a university degree

  • Historically, 90 percent of graduates are living in Haiti

  • 100 percent of students pass the national high school exam

  • Students graduate knowing 4 languages: French, English, Spanish, and Kreyòl

  • Students collectively conduct more than 1,500 hours of structured community service every week—that's more than 75,000 supervised hours each school year!

  • Louverturians mentor and teach in the Koukouy Sen Klè (Fireflies of St. Clare) early childhood development program that serves 60 local children aged 3-10 who receive meals, school lessons, and structured play time each day.

  • Students regularly transfer their knowledge to more than 200 children and adults in the community through after-school literacy programs

  • The campus is 100 percent solar power efficient! Many thanks to the schools all over the United States, especially Arlington, VA and Canandaigua, NY, that provided funding, along with the engineers who dedicated their time to installing the panels, for making this a reality at Louverture Cleary School.